[This page used jue's httpup index.html as a template--thanks, Jürgen!]
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The announcement published on 2020 Dec 22 at the xfce-announce mailing list is archived at the https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce-announce/2020-December/000956.html URL. The published News article's XML file was copied to this web site for posterity since the articles for previous releases seem to disappear after a while (but links to new pages containing the releases' news information are now included at the end of the XML file).
If you aren't sure about whether this Desktop Environment is worth installing, this one article should help you decide.
Mar 25 2021 ~04:20 UT—(RC3) changes:
xfce4-battery-plugin is upgraded to release 1.1.4
xfce4-systemload-plugin is upgraded to release 1.3.1
The 4.16 version of xfce4-terminal
changed the default behavior of the
Tab key such that ls -C
results are unaligned.
If you want the 4.14 behavior restored, implement the change in
this diff
as a local fix.
If there is an outcry, I'm willing to add installation of the patch to the port's
Note it will be necessary to restart Xfce for the change to reliably affect all
Mar 22 2021 ~04:20 UT—(RC2 changes):
thunar is upgraded to release 4.16.6
Mar 17 2021 ~16:45 UT—collection established (effectively RC1 per the following,
it does install and runs smoothly and it won't badly misbehave if you do not purge
existing settings):
catfish is still not ported to CRUX
gigolo is still not ported to CRUX
libburn was inherited from the contrib collection
libisoburn was inherited from the contrib collection
libisofs was inherited from the contrib collection
thunarx-python is not yet ported to the
xfce4-calculator-plugin is still not ported to CRUX
xfce4-embed-plugin does not yet build--config can't find libxfce4ui
xfce4-mixer is not yet functional in Xfce 4.16
xfce4-notes-plugin is not yet functional in Xfce 4.16
xfce4-sample-plugin is still not ported to CRUX
(still seriously unloved)
xfce4-session elided unused xflock.patch
xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin from Xfce 4.14 has been
dropped in Xfce 4.16
xfce4-stopwatch-plugin is still not ported to CRUX
xfce4-terminal elided unused
xfce4-timer-plugin is still not ported to CRUX
xfce4-vala is still not ported to CRUX
xfce4-volumed-pulse is not yet ported to the
(and it is still not ported to CRUX)
xfdashboard is still not ported to CRUX
You can access the repository by using httpup.
See the CRUX wiki's
ports FAQs
pages for additional information.
Here are the /etc/ports
driver file and
repo public key file.
If you want to install the minimum set of packages, use
prt-get depinst xfdesktop xfce4-settings xfwm4 xfce4-session
You may add any other packages you want; e.g., xfce4-terminal
, to that list
(note the order of these packages is not pertinent—prt-get depinst
takes care of ordering all packages to be processed whether explicitly or implicitly
See the
depinst package list
for all available Xfce packages in the proper order of installation.
The CRUX collection strategy for Xfce treats each stable (even numbered)
release as a different, versioned collection, following the upline software
development framework.
Xfce release components mostly use the second dot-number to indicate development
releases (odd) or stable releases (even), though many components do not conform
to the Xfce version numbering, some do not use the odd/even convention, and one
uses even for development and odd for stable (read the package announcements!).
Consequently this page includes a type designator at the front of every release
s current stable version (part of Xfce even version)
d current development version (part of Xfce odd version)
t previous stable version (part of Xfce even version)
e previous development version (part of Xfce odd version)
u version is uncertain, may not matter
Development Xfce releases are used to produce the next stable release. For example, when release 4.15 was deemed ready, it was frozen while release 4.16 was created from its state and released. Then 4.17 was established to begin the next development cycle. Minor enhancements and bug fixes to the current stable release mostly appear as point (third dot-number) releases of the various individual stable packages.
When a new stable release is announced, deprecated packages from the previous
stable release are moved to the archive git group and are no longer
Note this did not occur going from Xfce 4.14 to 4.16, nor were any new packages
mentioned; however, xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin
is now considered
deprecated as of Xfce 4.16—its functionality has been absorbed by
Gentoo documentation
indicates configurations between stable releases are not expected to be
Thus, a need exists to force an uninstall of the previous stable release before
installing a new stable release, and this is what the versioned collections
When the collection for the new stable release becomes available, the upgrade
procedure involves:
(1) shutting down the Xfce desktop,
(2) removing (or moving elsewhere) all configuration/profile
data per the Gentoo documentation,
(3) uninstalling all the ports installed from the prior collection,
(4) installing all desired ports of the new collection,
(5) starting up the new desktop, and
(6) reconfiguring all global and individualized settings as needed.
After a new stable release is announced, there may be more updates for the packages of the previous stable release, so there can be as many as six months of support for that release; e.g., in the thunar 1.6.18 announcement three months after Xfce 4.14 was announced, it was noted "Probably the last thunar release on the xfce-4.12 branch". Thus a good strategy is to plan to upgrade Xfce deployments within a few months of the announcement of the new stable release.
Maintaining CRUX collections for Xfce development releases is currently not expected due to resource contraints as well as the CRUX policy of avoiding the bleeding edge.
1 | xfce4-dev-tools | 2 | libburn | 3 | libisofs |
4 | libisoburn | 5 | tumbler | 6 | elementary-xfce-icon-theme |
7 | xarchiver | 8 | libxfce4util | 9 | xfconf |
10 | libxfce4ui | 11 | mousepad | 12 | exo |
13 | garcon | 14 | xfce4-session | 15 | xfwm4 |
16 | xfce4-theme-manager | 17 | xfmpc | 18 | xfce4-terminal |
19 | xfce4-panel | 20 | xfce4-appfinder | 21 | xfce4-screensaver |
22 | xfce4-settings | 23 | parole | 24 | thunar |
25 | xfce4-battery-plugin | 26 | xfce4-clipman-plugin | 27 | xfce4-cpufreq-plugin |
28 | xfce4-cpugraph-plugin | 29 | xfce4-datetime-plugin | 30 | xfce4-dict |
31 | xfce4-diskperf-plugin | 32 | xfce4-embed-plugin | 33 | xfce4-eyes-plugin |
34 | xfce4-fsguard-plugin | 35 | xfce4-genmon-plugin | 36 | xfce4-indicator-plugin |
37 | xfce4-mailwatch-plugin | 38 | xfce4-mount-plugin | 39 | xfce4-mpc-plugin |
40 | xfce4-netload-plugin | 41 | xfce4-notes-plugin | 42 | xfce4-notifyd |
43 | xfce4-panel-profiles | 44 | xfce4-power-manager | 45 | xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin |
46 | xfce4-screenshooter | 47 | xfce4-sensors-plugin | 48 | xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin |
49 | xfce4-systemload-plugin | 50 | xfce4-time-out-plugin | 51 | xfce4-verve-plugin |
52 | xfce4-wavelan-plugin | 53 | xfce4-weather-plugin | 54 | xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin |
55 | xfce4-xkb-plugin | 56 | ristretto | 57 | thunar-archive-plugin |
58 | thunar-media-tags-plugin | 59 | thunar-shares-plugin | 60 | thunar-vcs-plugin |
61 | thunar-volman | 62 | thunarx-python | 63 | xfburn |
64 | xfce4-places-plugin | 65 | xfdesktop | 66 | xfce4-taskmanager |
xfdesktop | thunar |
Thunar | libexif libgudev libnotify polkit tumbler xfce4-panel |
xfce4-settings | exo garcon libnotify libxklavier upower |
xfce4-panel | exo garcon libwnck-gtk3 |
xfwm4 | libwnck-gtk3 libxfce4ui xorg-libxres |
xfce4-session | consolekit libwnck-gtk3 libxfce4ui polkit sudo xorg-iceauth xorg-xinit |
garcon | libxfce4ui |
exo | libxfce4ui p5-uri |
libxfce4ui | gtk3 startup-notification xfconf |
xfconf | dbus-glib libxfce4util p5-glib |
libxfce4util | vala |
tumbler | dbus-glib gdk-pixbuf poppler-glib util-linux xfce4-dev-tools |
xfce4-dev-tools | glib |
Last modified: approximately 2021 December 7 22:40 UT |
Copyright © 1972-2021 by David L. Craig |